NFT Art Platforms Planned for Stacks 2.0 Blockchain

dark square with rounded corners and four evenly spaced white circlesBlockstack PBC, under the direction of Muneeb Ali, has been developing the Stacks blockchain for a number of years. With the coming launch of Stacks 2.0, the project is moving forward with two key interrelated procedures, Proof of Transfer (PoX) and Stacking. In addition, a big bag of the STX cryptocurrency has gone to the Blocks Foundation which is using it to fund projects that support the growth of the ecosystem. Among those recently considered for grants are three with a focus on NFT-based art and collectibles.

A Brief History

Blockstack’s history goes back to 2013 at Princeton where Muneeb Ali and Ryan Shea founded the company which became Blockstack PBC. A lot has happened since then with a great deal of money raised, many developers on board and the first SEC-qualified offering of a token in the U.S., the Stacks (STX) token. The future looks very interesting with the upcoming launch of Stacks 2.0 and many changes for the founding organization.

Proof of Transfer and Stacking

Two concepts are key to understanding how both miners and STX holders work together to support consensus and secure the Stacks blockchain, Proof of Transfer (PoX) and Stacking.

In a blog post from February, Blockstack PBC cofounder Muneeb Ali describes Proof of Transfer as an approach that “harnesses” Bitcoin’s “durability” to secure the Stacks blockchain:

“On a PoX blockchain, rather than committing computational resources, miners commit financial resources by transferring the PoW cryptocurrency of the more established blockchain to some other participant in the network. In turn, these miners are rewarded the new blockchain’s cryptocurrency.”

This approach “anchors” Stacks to Bitcoin’s Proof-of-Work blockchain. In this system, miners deposit Bitcoin which is then used to reward those holding STX, the cryptocurrency associated with the Stacks blockchain. Miners’ then “write new blocks on the Stacks blockchain and earn rewards in the form of newly minted Stacks (STX) tokens.”

Holding STX, in which “token holders must lock up their tokens for the time period they want to participate,” is called Stacking. Those who stack are rewarded with Bitcoin from miners and, in the process, help enhance network security.

These two procedures, Proof of Transfer and Stacking, tie the Stacks blockchain to the Bitcoin blockchain while supporting PoX consensus and securing the network. More on these two key concepts can be found in the blog post, Stacking Earnings Model from the Blockstack Blog.

Cryptoart-Related NFT Projects

Blockstack’s 2019 token sale raised $23 million. A big chunk of STX tokens were recently used to fund the Stacks Foundation and support the nonprofit in furthering the development of the Blockstack ecosystem.

An early initiative of the Foundation is a beta Grants Program offering up to $5000 US for relevant projects. There have been over 20 proposals to date, two of which are relevant to cryptoartists and have been funded. In addition, a closed project offers some provocative ideas for those considering the future of NFTs.

OpenRiff is a “marketplace for collectibles” featuring NFTs. It was inspired by the OpenSea marketplace and will draw, in part, on OpenSea Whitelabel Marketplace resources.

Risidio Auctions will start with auctions of “Digital Collectibles on Stacks 2.0” and is being developed by the creators of Loopbomb and RADICLE. They also reference OpenSea in their application with more of a focus on OpenSea’s limitations, including Eth gas prices, which are also a problem for Loopbomb.

The overall plan is to:
“build bidding software on Stacks 2.0 that starts with the small, but rapidly growing, marketplace of Digital Collectibles and reaches beyond this to the multi-billion dollar markets in auctions of real world physical assets.”

Smartists proposed the development of “Private Art Studios on the Internet of Value” but the grant application has been withdrawn. This ambitious project was intended to allow artists to not only share work but to sell work directly to collectors.

Focused on those artists with a DIY mindset wanting to move away from centralized platforms for art sales, the Smartists proposal also has some interesting solutions to managing the rights offered in such sales. Definitely worth a look for how the concept addresses artist networking and sales as well as next steps for those that believe NFTs are the future of rights management.

More to Come

I’m currently participating in the Freehold project (Twitter) which is an experiment in building community and turning products into movements. This blog post is my first contribution. I’m participating in order to learn more about Stacks, for participant compensation and to see how the approaches of programs like Freehold might contribute to CryptoArtNet.

I will also be keeping track of NFT-related developments and sharing those here on CryptoArtNet News.

To keep up, subscribe to CryptoArt News!

CryptoArtists from Argentina on CryptoArtNet

I’ve been wanting to highlight the artists on CryptoArtNet from Argentina. Now seems like a great time given the CryptoArg collective drop currently available on Nifty Gateway. You can follow the collective on Twitter and on Instagram.

Some but not all of these artists are on CryptoArtNet. And not all Argentine cryptoartists on the site note their location or country of origin as Argentina. But I guess that fits a group with a show called CAOS/CHAOS.

Here are thirteen Argentine cryptoartists that can be found on CryptoArtNet with notes from CryptoArtNet’s Artist Listings!


Argentinean artist. Peronist: give me Pope Francis, Perón, Evita, Néstor, Cristina, Los Palmeras, and a good asado among friends, and I’ll turn the world into a Paradise.

I love politics as much as science, cats, art, and a good book. If I were to choose between a Lambo and a Citroën 2CV, I’ll pick the 2CV.

Assorted techniques and styles. Eccentric, maybe crazy.

Twitter: CryptoArtistX

Crypt0 Baby

Joaquina Salgado aka ‘Crypt0 Baby’ is a new media artist based in Buenos Aires specialized in 3D immersive experiences, XR/VR and live visuals. Her queer activism is reflected in her artwork. The color palettes are a key element of her work that connect us with galaxies of emotional states.

Twitter: @crypt0_baby


I am a 19 year old artist from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I specialise in 3D Art. You can find my work up on SuperRare and Rarible!

Twitter: fakito__

Frenetik Void

As digital technologies change the definition of what it means to be human, the relationship between physical presence, virtual identity and digital corporeality becomes more diffuse. The work of Frenetik Void unfolds in a science-fiction environment, a post-human universe inhabited by mutating beings, hybrids in which limits are vanished.

Twitter: @frenetikvoid


Digital artist and programmer working in animations, images and other media.

Twitter: @gcorallo

Julian Brangold

By adopting a multi-disciplinary approach that includes painting, computer programming, 3D modelling, video intallations, collage, tattooing and a myriad of digital mediums, his conceptual research explores a wide variety of latent contemporary subjects. Using art as an investigatory discipline to explore themes like technology, artificial intelligence and the online self, Brangold explores mediums that transcend conventionalism through their various combinations and deconstructions.

His works seek to make us wonder what our place is within a world of constant technological advancement and new natural landscapes, losing the division between the digital and the human.

Twitter: @julianbrangold


My main focus is playing with recurring elements using them as symbols, as well as experimenting with the boundaries with figuration and abstraction. As I produce art as well as do research in this field, I go back and forth between creation and social research of the art world, taking in account the symbolic, social and political aspects of artistic expression.

Twitter: @kazwes2


ALGORITHMIC ARTIST LOST IN A RECURSIVE LOOP. His work combines the beauty of nature with the artificial decay of big cities, represented by organic algorithms that grow in the middle of concrete. He is inspired by internet culture, dystopian/sci-fi films, old videogames, punk, mathematics and generative art.

Twitter: @_k0ch

Nad Art

Artist. Dancer, mixed media and technological experiments in Corvus Project.

Twitter: @Nadart12

Norma Xelda Jara

I am a freelance graphic designer. I live in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Creativity and art has always been in my identity. I studied third level drawing since 1992 and technology was always present in my profession.

In 2016, by chance I joined the Dada community where I made 1800 digital drawings and introduced myself to digital art.

In June 2019 I met two amazing art stores like MakersPlace and Knownorigin and I inserted myself by tokenizing my works in cryptoart.

Today I belong to a community of decentralized and empowered artists who are permanently searching for new paths, including technology as a form of expression and search for identity.

Twitter: @Xacoli_nft


Hello, my name is Octavio, I am a visual artist from Argentina.

I am in the last year of Sound and Image Design at the University of Buenos Aires. In the university I always choose the most avant-garde professorship’s, the ones that were encouraged to new things. We tried new technologies.

My career was always a constant try and I think that nowadays, all that practice, all those test, are defining my style. Something that I found…
and I want to do.

Twitter: @okytomo1

Souline Art

Argentine artist currently residing in Spain. World traveler. Through my works I try to reflect how labyrinthine reality can be. Combining different techniques, styles and registers, I recreate the complexity of the perspectives that surround us. The lines prevail in my works, through which I seek to play interactively with my works to unite them and create more complex structures and symbolisms.

Twitter: @OrfanoSolange

Tierras Raras

Tierras Raras explore the mix between oil painting and digital art, based on colors and textures, to create different scenes and characters that inhabit them. Most of her scenes come from old family photos, which she transform, and turn into something else. “Tierras Raras” is the name, in Spanish, given to oxides that can rarely be found in their pure form, just like her characters.

Twitter: @tierras__raras

For more such delightful posts, be sure to Subscribe to CryptoArt News!

CryptoArt News: New Projects and Platforms

Despite the high cost of gas, new cryptoart projects and platforms have been launching all over the place. And, to spite the high cost of gas, one of the best is on a blockchain other than Ethereum. While some are temporarily stymied, cryptoart continues its forward motion.

NFT Showroom

Two particularly promising cryptoart platforms recently launched, NFT Showroom and Cargo. Of the two, I’m most excited by NFT Showroom. It’s on the Hive blockchain and you can find a listing of team members in their launch announcement post. Some great artists are involved and the platform has the feel of one emerging from the cryptoart community.

I follow a bunch of cryptoartists via Twitter and lately I’ve been discovering many with which I was unfamiliar via NFT Showroom’s Twitter account. It’s awesome to see such an excellent project using Hive and being led by artists. You can find out more through their Peakd feed and through the Ultimate Guide To NFT Showroom.

screenshot of tweet announcing cargo token launch


If NFT Showroom hadn’t launched I’d probably be most excited by Cargo. The Cargo Marketplace is an Ethereum-based NFT minting and sales platform. Lots of well-known cryptoartists are minting there and the site showcases their work quite nicely.

I did a bit of minting when the site was still in test mode and I need to follow up to see how things have changed. My general impression was that Cargo is a well thought-out project that has done a good job of learning from other platforms. One of their more interesting features is the ability to mint ERC-1155 tokens which offers one possible route to reducing your gas costs. Cargo also recently introduced NFT staking.

Here’s Cargo’s launch announcement and Twitter account. Definitely worth a look by both artists and collectors.

headshots of i4art founding members

i4 Art

i4 Art is another promising artist-led project that describes itself as a “member owned artist network exploring opportunities in blockchain based digital art.” It’s organized as a DAO and here’s what they say they do:

“We buy digital art, and sell for more later. We also buy art for groups and individuals.”

“We onboard new artists to blockchain, and purchase NFT minting rights from artists not interested in dealing with crypto.”

“We educate and mentor artists, to maximize their potential.”

The founding members are listed on the bottom of the home page and they include some of the most respected cryptoartists in the game.

Here’s more on how the DAO works, their art collection displayed on OpenSea, their Discord channel and their Twitter account.

Probably the most slept on news in cryptoart at the moment but it’s not like they’re heavily promoting it either. On the other hand, sometimes slow and steady is the smart path to take.

screenshot of tweet announcing limited time for joining BlockParty


Blockparty is a new gallery/marketplace featuring curated artists. They’ve launched their marketplace with a small group but are also taking applications for new artists.

They recently opened registration for collectors, I think, for 48 hours. I guess that’s a FOMO tactic?

You can join over 16k followers (!) on Twitter to keep up with their progress.

screenshot of tweet with rari R


$RARI is a new Ethereum-based token from the popular cryptoart platform Rarible which has gotten more attention than all of the above combined. Launched as a governance token, $RARI has been generously distributed to all those buying and selling art on Rarible. What’s crazy is that some $RARI will also be distributed to NFT holders who purchased work on competing platforms.

Rarible has also announced plans to become a Decentralized Autonomous Organization or DAO. This is a bold move that will put a very community-oriented platform into the hands of the community. Given that many of Rarible’s challenges stem from being an extremely open platform it will be interesting to see what the community does with itself!

Here’s more from DeFi Rate as well as Rarible’s Twitter account.

Colorful abstract background with two arrow signs pointing left and rigth
CryptoArt Web Directory

There’s a lot to keep up with in the land of cryptoart and one way I’m trying to make that easier is with CryptoArtNet’s CryptoArt Web Directory. It’s a very simple link-based directory that I will update on an ongoing basis.

Launch Announcement:
CryptoArtNet Launches CryptoArt Web Directory


CryptoArtists of Color at CryptoArtNet

We continue our Identity Series with CryptoArtists of Color at CryptoArtNet. Daïm Aggott-Hönsch and oculardelusion each suggested the topic separately which I thought was a great idea!

The shortness of the list surprised me but I hope that will change. I would have expected the concept to include more people but I reached out with a group email and maybe some folks missed it. It also may be a more culturally specific term rather than one used around the world. I really don’t know!

If you are listed on CryptoArtNet and identify as an artist of color, however you define that catchall term for race/ethnicity/identity, please contact me so I can add you to this post: clyde(at)cryptoartnet(dot)com

If you’d like to create a listing and be included, please start here.

This post is a follow-up to Women of CryptoArtNet, which will eventually have a Part 2, and will in turn be followed by LGBTQ CryptoArtists and CryptoArtists 50 and Over.

CryptoArtists of Color (Alphabetical with notes from Artists’ Listings)

abstract imageCabo

I love various arts of abstract, creative, innovative, inspirational, and motivational themes.

My heart is in poetry and writings as well. Soon I will share some of my works in that regard.

Being a part of the CryptoArtNet community is exciting and I’m very much looking forward to the growth of this platform.

This is a more than an opportunity of displaying art. It is a freedom of expression, an avenue that will provide art lovers a look into the creations of creative minds, emotions, and outlooks.

So come often, share, and enjoy the journey of digital art on the blockchain. After all, it’s more than a moment, it’s the future of immutable craft.

Twitter: @CryptoAutobot

Neel Yadevgiant arrow crushing human on ground

Student of life, death, the human condition and everything in between – a jack of all trades; master of none.

Twitter: @n831y

oculardelusionabstract image

I’m a writer and multidisciplinary artist transplanted from the West Coast of California to the Norfolk coast of England.

My visual work straddles analog and digital media – from traditional letterpress printing to still and moving lens-based images and large-scale animated projections on medieval buildings. A longtime participant in multiuser digital worlds, I’m currently exploring the possibilities of VR and cryptoart as tools of expression.

Founding member of, a group of UK-based cryptoartists bringing a diversity of voices to the cryptoart space.

Twitter: @oculardelusion

Osinachiman holding a lamb in arms

Aesthetically and procedurally, Osinachi’s work explores visible existence as protest. The artist is interested in depicting and reimagining how individuals and collectives engage in advocacy for freedom of identity by thwarting societal expectations. This could be through the things they wear, the paraphernalia they adorn themselves with, or simply by being and existing in a form (albeit harmless) that the society frowns upon.

Through his work, Osinachi indirectly calls out the society to acknowledge its shame and failures. Drawing from his experiences as an Igbo person, he creates figurative portraits that feature subjects often posing in bold and assertive positions and, whether they are nude or dressed in African textile prints, they initiate conversations that most people are often hesitant to have around identity – sexual, gender, cultural and otherwise.

From a genuinely happy and successful single mother to a man in a dress, Osinachi’s subjects appear without eyes, prompting the viewer to shut their own eyes against physical appearances when judging an individual’s essence and worth. Sometimes, the artist takes a cue from ‘80s black-and-white portrait photographs, which he grew up seeing in homes across South-East Nigeria.

Twitter: @Prince_Jacon

Sami Lingabstract image

Sami is a creative tech professional whose expertise spans many disciplines and programs.

She has 7 years experience producing work under the banner of many international household brands (Disney, Universal, Nickelodeon etc), through blockchain she offers her experiments with algorithmically generated digital abstract expressionism.

Twitter: @MikailaDeady

sturecabstract image

I am a multifaceted artist with a lifetime of trying to find a career that not only suites but also inspires. trying a multitude of different crafts. Geometry loves colors and I love them both.

Studied industrial engineering back in college and have masters degrees in graphic design and computer technologies. Love coding, designing, tattooing and swing trading.

Twitter: @sturec5

CryptoArtNet appreciates diversity in all its forms. Join us!

CryptoArt News: Women of CryptoArtNet

Recent discussions on CryptoArt Twitter point to the need to support a stronger presence of women in cryptoart. While the cryptoart scene seems more welcoming to women overall than many tech domains, women make up only 20% of CryptoArtNet listings.

Hopefully more discussion and action are ahead. For my part, highlighting the women who have listings at CryptoArtNet seemed like a good place to start. There is some ambiguity around gender in some cases so I may be adding or even subtracting from this list in the near future. If I get one wrong, let me know!

Let me also say that CryptoArtNet is very supportive of the presence of all genders and gender combinations. Binaries can be useful but ultimately limit human identity and artmaking in sometimes brutal fashion.

The cryptoart scene has generally been a very positive and welcoming space. Part of what’s great about it is its international makeup. I’ve been very glad that artists choosing to create listings on CryptoArtNet offer a strong representation of many different parts of the world.

Women of CryptoArtNet (Alphabetical with notes from Artists’ Listings)

image of sculptured woman's faceArtbymitrai

Indrani is a self-taught artist inspired by the shapes, colors and form of natural objects. She is especially moved by the engaging simplicity of illustrations created for children and how Vermeer’s treatment of light can bring out the ethereal beauty of a simple moment in time.

She was elected for juried exhibition, lightandspace, which was impactful in focusing her research efforts into a variety of new methods and techniques. She has entered a more experimental phase with digitized works and the use of digital tools paralleling her discovery of blockchain technology which she sees as an open door to a whole new world of possibilities.

Twitter: @artbymitrai

Abstract image hiding woman's face by Anna Stoyanova-Spontaneart at CryptoArtNetAnna Stoyanova/Spontaneart

Traditional and digital painter. I am working in different styles and techniques, and I am mixing them digitally….

With the event of the internet and the new technological progress, I discovered a new way to express my creativity and started to paint digitally. At this moment I am creating daily digital art, very personalized, because, usually I love to create with custom brushes that were painted or designed in separated applications. Mostly I am remixing my photos of my traditional art in different variants and techniques and I am experimenting new ways to create. Some of my fans called my transformations of old art in new “Recycled art”.

Twitter: @anfasesto

colorful abstract figures by Barbara Tosti on CryptoArtNetBarbara Tosti

digitalart, drawing, masks, photography, Portraits, Spacedivers, storytelling, Timetravel

Twitter: @spacedivers

image of an eye by BrightLight on CryptoArtNetBrightLight

I am a Mixed Media Artist from England who enjoy’s experimenting with various mediums to create pieces to provoke thought and prompt the observer to look and explore.

Twitter: @brightlite76

Abstract image of women's head in purple, red and black by Cechk on CryptoArtNetCECHK

CECHK is the pseudonym used by Gabriela Cecchin, a brazillian visual and crypto artist.

The themes of her works includes a neo-cyberpunk world, a glitched reality, womanhood, mental illnesses, substance abuse, and the self reflected ego on the internet.

Using bold colors and a unique painting style, she seeks to communicate chaos through her art. Creating her works with traditional and digital techniques, she explores the tangent between reality and digital reality.

Her works are inspired by the works of Francis Bacon, João Ruas and Katsuhiro Otomo.

Twitter: @cechk_art

Handdrawn girlish bedroom by Fullmetal Magdalene at CryptoArtNetFullmetal Magdalene

All my life I have loved creating visual works that I would describe as ‘Art Out Loud’. My artistic influences include Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, Theodor Seuss, and Leonardo Da Vinci. I love celebrating the female form in my works. My pieces incorporate influences from my findings in psychology, theology, blockchain technology and pop culture; as well as my personal journeys through meditation and psychedelics.

‘Become content at heart, while also remaining discontent and disobedient; indeed become contented and agreeable (only) in the presence of that other Image of nature.’

The Gospel of Mary Magdalene

Twitter: @fullmetalmagda1

Image of angelic women intertwined, floating by Gala Mirissa on CryptoArtNetGALA MIRISSA

Gala Mirissa is a digital artist based in Barcelona and Reus (Tarragona). She works still artistic digital artworks, but one particularity of Gala are their multifaceted skills in the combination of Photography and Art with motion graphics and thus create something that looks alive, feeling the movement as an universal language and the song of our bodies.
Finalist in VISUAL ARTIST AWARDS MIAMI 2018 for The Best Technical Innovation, she was selected in the International Filmaker Biennale Women Cinemakers and interviewed for claim the participation of women in Multimedia Art.

In 2015 she began to develop the Redhawk effect using morphing softwares. Inspired in George Redhawk and Bill Domonkos, soon she began to have more curiosity for all the specialities about motion art while she was developing their Artworks.
She studied Philology, Madrid, and Multimedia at the UOC, Catalonia.

Twitter: @gala_mirissa

ethereal image of explosion of light by Gisel X Florez on CryptoArtNetGisel X Florez

GiselXFlorez is an artist that incorporates photographic & cinematic techniques with conceptual practice to explore the ways in which we are interconnected within the space of existence. Gisel creates using traditional manual controls with a digital 4×5 incorporating immutable technology on various platforms & blockchains such as ETH EOS, DGX, ENJIN & WAX. She is currently is developing a VR immersive installation & forming artistic community initiatives within Cryptovoxels & Somnium Space.

Twitter: @giselflorez

A close up of a person in psychedelic rorschach ink test style by Julia K Ponsford on CryptoArtNetJulia K. Ponsford

Julia K. Ponsford is a self-taught inter-planetary and multi-disciplinary crypto artist residing in Montréal, Québec and a founding member of the Alien Art Hive collective. Her visual arts style is ever evolving and hard to pin down, thriving on experimentation and floating through a world of dreams. Recent interests involve creating psychedelic inspired collages using the assistance of artificial intelligence elements. She is also an ambient electronic musician and enjoys making hypnotic and surreal soundscapes and has recently began mixing mediums to create multi-sensory visual and auditory experiences.

Twitter: @juliakponsford

portrait of woman's head and neck, lying back, in dark colors by Kitty Bast on CryptoArtNetKitty Bast

Kitty Bast creates characters that reappear and reside in a place where things are not as they should be. They each have a name and are often found in scenes of ambiguity for the viewer to unravel. Each piece of work is like a window with a view into the characters world.

I am aware of the boundaries of language. Art gives us a way to release what lives inside our head.

Kitty was awarded at the Khojaly Peace Prize for her work in the exhibition & ceremony held at the Houses of Parliament in London 2017.

She is also a Tattoo Artist and Studied BA & MA Fine Art at The Manchester School of Art, UK.

Twitter: @KatSheKittyBast

dark landscape of tree by a lake by Luisa Espeineira on CryptoArtNetLuisa Espiñeira

I am a photographer and digital artist based in Galicia, Spain. I’m in love with spaces without people or in which people are only part of the landscape. I like the long exposure, I can spend hours trying to get the perfect picture. Then the editing part will begin, until I get what I am looking for, what I felt when I decided to photograph that space. I use Photoshop, After effects and Premiere to editing a to animate my images.

Twitter: @LuisaEspineira

A woman with eyes covered by Mar.E on CryptoArtNetMar.E

From Twitter:
Arte +Diseño+cosas, Artista descentralizada #powerdada #collector #opensea #knownorigin #creary #cryptoart #rareart #mare #makersplace

Twitter: @marespi

A screenshot of a video game with cute bear by Miwa on CryptoArtNetMiwa

Love drawing cute animals for long time and enjoy making happy art. Also, love trying new things.

Twitter: @Miwa79530603

dark blue somewhat abstract portrait of human head by Nad Art on CryptoArtNetNad Art

Artist. Dancer, mixed media and technological experiments in Corvus Project.

Twitter: @Nadart12

bottom half of woman's face by OoakosiMo on CryptoArtNetOoakosiMo

audiovisualart, cryptoart, digitalart, experimental, multimediaart

Twitter: @OoakosiM

abstract in purple, red, blue and black by oculardelusion at CryptoArtNetoculardelusion

I’m a writer and multidisciplinary artist transplanted from the West Coast of California to the Norfolk coast of England.

My visual work straddles analog and digital media – from traditional letterpress printing to still and moving lens-based images and large-scale animated projections on medieval buildings. A longtime participant in multiuser digital worlds, I’m currently exploring the possibilities of VR and cryptoart as tools of expression.

Founding member of, a group of UK-based cryptoartists bringing a diversity of voices to the cryptoart space.

Twitter: @oculardelusion

A woman with collar shirt and head wrap by Paola Castillo on CryptoArtNetPaola Castillo

Minimalist Illustration Artist-Inspired by fashion, social media, toys and beautiful people all around the world.

Twitter: @les_dore

bubble wrap art by Pistissofia on CryptoArtNetPistissofia

Pistissofia is an interdisciplinary artist from Montreal (CA) based in NJ (USA). She works in performance, installation and publication.

Twitter: @sofiapistis

Abstract of mineral cross section by Placeofmany on CryptoArtNetPlaceofmany

Brandi Kyle aka PlaceofMany is a traditional and digital artist based in Nashville, Tennessee. Since her first cryptoart piece was published in 2018 she has expanded her art presence from the physical into the digital using pour painting textures to drive her 3D works while still painting Velvet as well.

Twitter: @Placeofmany

abstract construction including eyes and small figures by Souline Art on CryptoArtNetSouline Art

Argentine artist currently residing in Spain. World traveler. Through my works I try to reflect how labyrinthine reality can be. Combining different techniques, styles and registers, I recreate the complexity of the perspectives that surround us. The lines prevail in my works, through which I seek to play interactively with my works to unite them and create more complex structures and symbolisms.

Twitter: @OrfanoSolange

An abstract drawing of a face by Stina Jones at CryptoArtNetStina Jones

Stina Jones is an independent artist, best known for her quirky character designs which incorporate her trademark use of clean lines and bright, happy colours. She has managed to find an overlap between her two main disciplines – Graphic Design and Illustration – creating her own niche in the digital art world.

Twitter: @stina_jones

abstract lime green by Sparrow on CryptoArtNetSparrow

Sparrow Read is a software engineer, traditional artist (encaustic wax medium) and digital artist. Finding a synergy between technology and art, Sparrow explores the latent space of Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) deep learning algorithms and other digital manipulation techniques to create artworks that are a collaboration between human and machine. Most recently she has been creating “programmable art”, where owners of individual elements of an artwork can control the rendering of a master image to create an artwork that changes over time based on their selections. Her current focus: allowing control of some elements of the master artwork to be controlled by external data, such as weather, Tweet sentiments and market prices.

Twitter: @blackboxdotart

abstract image of nude woman reclining on stomach by Squirterer on CryptoArtNetsquirterer

Squirterer is a fine artist from the Philippines. Mainly focusing on traditional media, she found herself experimenting with digital media. Though the majority of her works are oil painting, she also does photography, video art, sculpture, and a bit of animation. She likes to explore human experiences and the unconscious mind.

Her works have been exhibited in various exhibitions in the Philippines.

All photographs are original and are taken by her.

Twitter: @hidetheblade

Stefania Paintsfour models posing by Stefania Paints on CryptoArtNet

I started with digital drawing last year end of october and now you can buy merch of my drawings in my redbubble and society6 shop

Twitter: @Stefaniapaints

abstract outer space style image in reds, purples, blues and black by sturec on CryptoArtNetsturec

I am a multifaceted artist with a lifetime of trying to find a career that not only suites but also inspires. trying a multitude of different crafts. Geometry loves colors and I love them both..

Studied industrial engineering back in college and have masters degrees in graphic design and computer technologies. Love coding, designing, tattooing and swing trading.

Twitter: @sturec5

a mannequin from three sides by on

Brigitte Fässler is a member of TWISTEDSISTER.IO: a project-based multidisciplinary collective of artists and designers exploring new avenues of artistic production in the digital realm. Connecting visual thinking, game theory and incentive systems as elements of social interaction and collaborative creation practices, the eponymous project investigates the forces behind manifestations of self-portrayals in social media networks.

Twitter: @twistedsisterio

A woman's head with collar shirt and glasses by Voke at CryptoArtNetVoke

Creative Expressions Without Boundaries

Twitter: @VeeArt7

name yrdgz in circular design by yrdgz on CryptoArtNetyrdgz

digital artist. works range in methods of creation; from digital paintings and doodles, to GAN-assisted works, to minimalistic expressions in the form of digital glitches.

Twitter: @yelitzardgz

We welcome all cryptoartists at CryptoArtNet and would love to see more women and folks with all possible gender identities join us, even if you don’t wish to disclose such identity!