Madolf D

Artist Statement
“Mysteries and Fantasies” is the core of Madolf’s creations, a self-taught freelance 3D illustrator.

Being a reserved kid, Madolf’s quest for answers had unlocked the doors of boundless imagination for him as an artist. This can be counted as the main reason for his endless series of experiments with darkness, mythological elements, cyberpunk ..(to name a few, as the list will go on with his experience) blended together with bright essence of psychedelic art; modeling, sculpting, rendering processes of 3d art and skulls(as mysterious love of Madolf) serves as Madolf’s signature style.

Like mysteries and fantasies, Madolf’s art mesmerizes you at first, then puzzles you and finally leaves you with some clues that need your perspective to solve the mystery lying beneath ….(since everyone has a different perspective, the essence of artwork is unique for each one of us…)

With a viewpoint that art has a boundless spectrum, Madolf loves to collab with the like-minded artists who share the same vision in order to explore and experience the beauty of various dimensions of art…

If not experimenting, you can spot the artist in your online video game squad 😉

About the Artist
Ethereum Address
CryptoArt Platforms
Social Presence
Social Media
Caracas, Venezuela