Jay Golding / Kwame

Artist Statement

The works I create are typically portrait and figure drawings and paintings, focusing almost primarily on indigenous cultures within the last few years. Using traditional mediums such as acrylic, oil paint, colored pencil, graphite and pen I depict realistic looking figures inspired by either photographs, friends/family, my imagination or a mixture of them all. Since entering the crypto art space in March 2021, I have found a way to blend my traditional works with the digital space by adding motion effects, digital frames and borders and sound to my image files of my works. In regards to the images of tribal peoples I also donate profits ranging from 30 – 50% to organizations like Survival International; who are dedicated to the protection of tribal rights.

Inspiring viewers and collectors to tap into their inner self and imagination is the primary goal of the artwork I create. Without inspiration from the world, other artists, and my imagination I don’t know where I would be today. Creating is my way of giving energy to myself and also giving back to others.

Yuggoth, {Lukkoth}
United States