CryptoArtNet Artists Directory Rolls Out CryptoArtCoin – $CRAC

CryptoArtNet Logo - Colorful Letter C

CryptoArtCoin – $CRAC

Feel free to check out the  CryptoArtCoin landing page over at Roll but I also wanted to give people an explanation of what this new social currency is all about and what it means for artists with CryptoArtNet listings.

CryptoArtCoin or $CRAC is launching as a social currency for the CryptoArtNet directory of artists making cryptoart in partnership with Roll. I’m going to be releasing quite a bit of it in the early stages to incentivize artists creating listings on the site. HODLing is highly recommended.

Here’s the deal:

The first 13 members with live profiles, aka The Baker’s Dozen, will receive 10,000 $CRAC the first week of June.

The first 100 live profiles (excluding The Baker’s Dozen) or those created by June 30, whichever comes first, will receive 5,000 $CRAC the first week of July. These artists will also be designated as Founding Artists as will The Baker’s Dozen.

Artists creating profiles after that milestone will receive 1,000 $CRAC the first week of the following month until further notice.

Additional opportunities to earn $CRAC will be created in exchange for promoting the site and recruiting new members beginning in July.

$CRAC will initially be redeemable for monetization and promotion services created by CryptoArtNet.

However, most promotional efforts will be focused on the site in order to promote all listed artists and so will not require spending precious $CRAC. It should be noted that the categories of Baker’s Dozen and Founding Artists will increase in promotional value as more artists come on board.

If you have questions or suggestions, be in touch:

Contact Form ~ @fluxresearch ~ @cryptoartnet


CryptoArtNet Launches Directory of Artists Making CryptoArt

three people checking out a wall of portraits in a gallery

CryptoArtNet: A Directory of Artists Making CryptoArt

It’s still a work-in-progress but CryptoArtNet has been announced by some of the artists and has its own Twitter feed so let’s call it a launch!

There’s lots to be done but the basic concept of a directory for artists creating cryptoart is established. Now on to making it a better site for artists and for those who want to find out more about artists with whom they’re familiar or to discover artists with whom they’re unfamiliar.

My hope is that CryptoArtNet can also be a resource for bridging the gap between the cryptoart scene and the wide range of people that don’t know we exist but will find us of interest.

Any CryptoArtist Can Have a Free Listing

Artist accounts are free and always will be. Anyone with publicly posted tokenized art can apply here.

If you apply, be sure to check your sp@m folder where emails from the site are ending up despite my attempts at fixing the problem via DNS records.

Artists can upload gif, jpg and png files. Each gallery has a maximum of 6 files up to 50 mb per image.

If you have a listing or create a listing and see that the form is missing a site you want linked, you can hit me back via the email I’ll be sending you during the account creation process or via our contact form.

You can also hit me up on Twitter @fluxresearch with questions or suggestions. My DMs are open.

There is an email newsletter for this blog which will feature site updates, news about listed artists and periodic cryptoart news roundups.

Future Plans: IPFS, Monetization, Social Currency, Survey Responses

Long-term goals include a move to IPFS hosting of images, gifs and videos, most likely involving Pinata.  At that point, things should open up quite a bit in terms of the art that can be posted.

I am also considering possibilities for monetizing the site including ways for listed artists to get paid. While that will include a tip button, I’d like to see more substantial opportunities based on people’s cryptoart that will supplement gallery sales. More on that at a future date.

Currently I’m talking to the folks at Roll about a social currency for the site. I’ve been inspired by what cryptoartists have been doing with their Roll currencies and I’d like to explore the possibilities for CryptoArtNet and listed artists.

The original group of artists that I contacted to see if there was interest in a directory of artists making cryptoart filled out a survey with a number of questions about what they’d like to see and what they thought about my plans. I’m going to do a follow-up document in the Support Forum discussing how they see things and how I’ve tried to respond to their preferences and suggestions.

Be In Touch

So, on that note, if you have suggestions, ideas or questions, please reach out via CryptoArtNet’s contact form, my @fluxresearch Twitter account or the @cryptoartnet Twitter account.

The CryptoArtNet Twitter account will mainly be used for site announcements and status reports. Most of my cryptoart-related interactions take place via my Flux Research Twitter account.

Here’s to the future!

Clyde F. Smith, CryptoArtNet Founder

[Photo Credits: Human Observer Exhibition photo by Geralt on Pixabay]